Here at we believe that your inner world creates your outer world.

The vast majority of people in this world today are completely oblivious to this fact.  They believe that the world happens to them and that they are simply along for the ride.  People are frustrated with their finances, their relationships, their health, and are desperate to be able to create the lives that they imagine in their dreams, to see the desires in their heart played out in their day-to-day lives, to be able to grow and improve, and live lives of abundance.

We believe that we create our own reality, and that this life is not mere chance, but rather cause-and-effect.  It is a result of our emotions creating our feelings, our feelings creating our beliefs, our beliefs creating our actions, our actions creating our results, and our results creating our lives.  We want to share this philosophy with as many people who are willing to listen and consider that they can also create the lives they want.

We want to empower them with a growth mindset, and to improve their lives as a whole, in all areas of life.

We believe strongly that:

  1. Your inner world creates your outer world.
  2. Life does not happen by chance, but rather everything is cause-and-effect.
  3. You are not your mind.  It is a tool that was given to us by our father, the creator, the God of the universe.  You must learn to master it or it will master you.
  4. You are not your body.  It is a vehicle given to you to help you accomplish your purpose here in this life.
  5. You are a spiritual being having a human experience, and this life is just the beginning of an eternal life.
  6. There are certain principles that are not commonly understood, maybe even hidden from us, that can transform your life and allow you to see your dreams come into physical reality if you are committed to understanding and mastery of them.

We are committed to helping as many people come to this understanding, to making the world a better place, and to bring more love into it.

Our mailing address is:

Inner World Daily
634 NE Main St.
Simpsonville, SC  29681.

Or feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page.