The WORST Productivity Advice Everyone Told You

Summarize this content to 150 words Productivity you may make the mistake of thinking it means getting more done after all that motivational video with the dude screaming in your face told you to go harder because you and Elon Musk have the same 24 hours in a day you procrastinating lazy sorry excuse for a Human just screaming at you and maybe in order to get more done you turn to the world of productivity advice videos habits hacks routines lists all with the same goal maximizing your output but what if how you’re looking at productivity is flaw in this video we’re gonna dispel awful myths about Productivity advice and I believe it’s causing to a lot of the burnout procrastination anxiety or guilt we feel on a given day I have to be productive I have to maximize everything ah and then I’ll give you my productivity routine which ironically allows you to get more Done by doing less this is the best productivity advice no one ever told before we get into the routine I want to talk about three super important World Views on what productivity is versus what it is not let’s take it back to 1906. Italian economist whose name I will butcher Wilfredo vilfredo Pareto Was in his garden one day when he noticed something strange when looking at his pea pods he noticed that 20 of the pods were yielding 80 percent of the peas he was obsessed with this being an economist where else does this distribution happen the answer pretty much everywhere famously pointing out in Macroeconomics that 80 percent of the wealth is held by 20 percent of the people but it doesn’t end there in society 20 of the roads get 80 percent of the traffic 20 of a business products yield eighty percent of the revenue you can also flip it maybe in your personal Life twenty percent of your friends give you eighty percent of the happiness twenty percent of your clothes get 80 of the wear 80 of the beer is drank by 20 percent of the people I was probably in that camp until I went sober 278 days ago but I think breaking that streak Here on YouTube with you is a good way to celebrate cheers just kidding it’s Heineken zero such a rebel living on the edge one note here it doesn’t have to be absolute doesn’t have to be right on the money of 20 80 or 80 20. it can be 90 10 70 30. Anywhere where there’s a disproportionate amount of input and output that is known as the Pareto Principle so let’s apply this let’s bring it back to productivity those 10 hours that you spend grinding on your business reality is probably only two of them are any good the other way can help If you have the right systems in place but man when I was a beginner entrepreneur I remember those 10 hour days and if I’m brutally honest the heavy lifting needle moving tasks took me two hours let me give you another productivity law it’s called Parkinson’s law this says that tasks will expand to The time allotted for them so back in my early days as an entrepreneur I still worked for 10 hours a day plus and so it took me 10 hours to complete two hours worth of work in school I’m sure you can imagine if you sit down and you say okay I’m gonna study for 10 hours I’m gonna binge it you’re more relaxed you’re pulling out the phone maybe you spend an hour on Tick Tock maybe respond on Instagram to some people the task expands to the time a lot the eight hour work day at an office you ever worked a Nine to five when remote work became a big thing back in 2020 when you could work from home I remember reading a headline of people that were taking two three sometimes four full-time positions at once and they were collecting two three four different salaries making six multiple six figures doing their jobs How are they doing this they were tapping into the 80 20 principle because they knew that if they just put that 20 in they can get 80 percent of the job that eight hour work day if they divide it into two three four different sections they’re putting in two hours Getting eighty percent of the output and that’s I guess enough to not get fired and collect Bank baby four paychecks yes please so what’s the point Clark just don’t work other six hours in the day that’s not the advice I’m giving here see the worst productivity advice treats You like a robot it tells you to do more more routines more lists more habits more hacking the problem with that is that your willpower is finite but as we just saw with those two laws not all your inputs give you the same output so if you’re managing time to just do Unimportant tasks it’s pointless and moreover if you give yourself more time that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re gonna get more out of it the best productivity advice and the one that changed my life helped me grow a seven figure business helped me keep my sanity With all the 50 000 things I have to do on a given day manage your energy Notch your time most people will write a list and then they’ll check off all the unimportant tasks before they get to like that one two maybe three big ones at the end and they’re like avoiding Them like oh I don’t want to do that back when filming videos was extremely hard for me it was always the thing left on that to-do list at the bottom I don’t want gonna film that video because then I have to edit it and then I have to Post it and they’re only getting 500 views anyway so what’s what’s even the point but what was the one thing that really mattered filming the video they could have wiped six seven eight hours of the day away if I had just executed on that one thing and we’re Gonna find that with you in a little bit now one quick note on procrastination because I know a lot of you are saying well I I know what the 20 is but I just procrastinate and that’s why I can’t do it so easier said than done a lot of Times that 20 is the creative work that has a lot of subconscious fear behind it because if you create something and you expose it to the world you’re exposing a part of yourself to be critiqued or judged on that’s a very deep rooted belief that we work with people on in The metamorphic program we have artists and entrepreneurs and they have these fears that they don’t even realize are the root cause of the procrastination so they’ll come in with I procrastinate that’s my problem if I just didn’t procrastinate I could just you know create the the dream and the business And the life that I wanted but what they don’t understand is why they procrastinate okay procrastination is a symptom fear is often the root and fear goes way deep can go to your childhood can go to the girl that rejected you could go to your parents telling you You’re not good enough one time you put out something and people hated it and you got all this criticism so you said never again let me ask you this is a headache an Advil deficiency Advil helps relieve the headache but what caused the headache it wasn’t a lack of ibuprofen Your brain oh I didn’t get my 200 milligrams today headache here you go no no no no no no the simplest answer could be dehydration in other words the root cause of the headache is dehydration and the symptom is the headache so if you fix the root cause oftentimes you don’t Need all the other things same thing with procrastination if you fix the root of it the fear behind it the procrastination naturally dissipates and Fades away if you’re interested in that I’ll link down below our metamorphic program where…

The WORST Productivity Advice Everyone Told You

rewrite this content and keep HTML tags Productivity you may make the mistake of thinking it means getting more done after all that motivational video with the dude screaming in your face told you to go harder because you and Elon Musk have the same 24 hours in a day you procrastinating lazy sorry excuse for a Human just screaming at you and maybe in order to get more done you turn to the world of productivity advice videos habits hacks routines lists all with the same goal maximizing your output but what if how you’re looking at productivity is flaw in this video we’re gonna dispel awful myths about Productivity advice and I believe it’s causing to a lot of the burnout procrastination anxiety or guilt we feel on a given day I have to be productive I have to maximize everything ah and then I’ll give you my productivity routine which ironically allows you to get more Done by doing less this is the best productivity advice no one ever told before we get into the routine I want to talk about three super important World Views on what productivity is versus what it is not let’s take it back to 1906. Italian economist whose name I will butcher Wilfredo vilfredo Pareto Was in his garden one day when he noticed something strange when looking at his pea pods he noticed that 20 of the pods were yielding 80 percent of the peas he was obsessed with this being an economist where else does this distribution happen the answer pretty much everywhere famously pointing out in Macroeconomics that 80 percent of the wealth is held by 20 percent of the people but it doesn’t end there in society 20 of the roads get 80 percent of the traffic 20 of a business products yield eighty percent of the revenue you can also flip it maybe in your personal Life twenty percent of your friends give you eighty percent of the happiness twenty percent of your clothes get 80 of the wear 80 of the beer is drank by 20 percent of the people I was probably in that camp until I went sober 278 days ago but I think breaking that streak Here on YouTube with you is a good way to celebrate cheers just kidding it’s Heineken zero such a rebel living on the edge one note here it doesn’t have to be absolute doesn’t have to be right on the money of 20 80 or 80 20. it can be 90 10 70 30. Anywhere where there’s a disproportionate amount of input and output that is known as the Pareto Principle so let’s apply this let’s bring it back to productivity those 10 hours that you spend grinding on your business reality is probably only two of them are any good the other way can help If you have the right systems in place but man when I was a beginner entrepreneur I remember those 10 hour days and if I’m brutally honest the heavy lifting needle moving tasks took me two hours let me give you another productivity law it’s called Parkinson’s law this says that tasks will expand to The time allotted for them so back in my early days as an entrepreneur I still worked for 10 hours a day plus and so it took me 10 hours to complete two hours worth of work in school I’m sure you can imagine if you sit down and you say okay I’m gonna study for 10 hours I’m gonna binge it you’re more relaxed you’re pulling out the phone maybe you spend an hour on Tick Tock maybe respond on Instagram to some people the task expands to the time a lot the eight hour work day at an office you ever worked a Nine to five when remote work became a big thing back in 2020 when you could work from home I remember reading a headline of people that were taking two three sometimes four full-time positions at once and they were collecting two three four different salaries making six multiple six figures doing their jobs How are they doing this they were tapping into the 80 20 principle because they knew that if they just put that 20 in they can get 80 percent of the job that eight hour work day if they divide it into two three four different sections they’re putting in two hours Getting eighty percent of the output and that’s I guess enough to not get fired and collect Bank baby four paychecks yes please so what’s the point Clark just don’t work other six hours in the day that’s not the advice I’m giving here see the worst productivity advice treats You like a robot it tells you to do more more routines more lists more habits more hacking the problem with that is that your willpower is finite but as we just saw with those two laws not all your inputs give you the same output so if you’re managing time to just do Unimportant tasks it’s pointless and moreover if you give yourself more time that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re gonna get more out of it the best productivity advice and the one that changed my life helped me grow a seven figure business helped me keep my sanity With all the 50 000 things I have to do on a given day manage your energy Notch your time most people will write a list and then they’ll check off all the unimportant tasks before they get to like that one two maybe three big ones at the end and they’re like avoiding Them like oh I don’t want to do that back when filming videos was extremely hard for me it was always the thing left on that to-do list at the bottom I don’t want gonna film that video because then I have to edit it and then I have to Post it and they’re only getting 500 views anyway so what’s what’s even the point but what was the one thing that really mattered filming the video they could have wiped six seven eight hours of the day away if I had just executed on that one thing and we’re Gonna find that with you in a little bit now one quick note on procrastination because I know a lot of you are saying well I I know what the 20 is but I just procrastinate and that’s why I can’t do it so easier said than done a lot of Times that 20 is the creative work that has a lot of subconscious fear behind it because if you create something and you expose it to the world you’re exposing a part of yourself to be critiqued or judged on that’s a very deep rooted belief that we work with people on in The metamorphic program we have artists and entrepreneurs and they have these fears that they don’t even realize are the root cause of the procrastination so they’ll come in with I procrastinate that’s my problem if I just didn’t procrastinate I could just you know create the the dream and the business And the life that I wanted but what they don’t understand is why they procrastinate okay procrastination is a symptom fear is often the root and fear goes way deep can go to your childhood can go to the girl that rejected you could go to your parents telling you You’re not good enough one time you put out something and people hated it and you got all this criticism so you said never again let me ask you this is a headache an Advil deficiency Advil helps relieve the headache but what caused the headache it wasn’t a lack of ibuprofen Your brain oh I didn’t get my 200 milligrams today headache here you go no no no no no no the simplest answer could be dehydration in other words the root cause of the headache is dehydration and the symptom is the headache so if you fix the root cause oftentimes you don’t Need all the other things same thing with procrastination if you fix the root of it the fear behind it the procrastination naturally dissipates and Fades away if you’re interested in that I’ll link down below our metamorphic program…

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Categories: Productivity